Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Music Week

                                                              Music Week

I hope you are all enjoying the half term break.

The final week of the first term was a very exciting one. Our task from Miss Heppner was to create some verses about Cabot. The children thoroughly enjoyed creating their thoughts about Cabot and we decided to create a whole song. The children worked really well together, choosing an instrumental beat and then listening carefully to the tune to create verses that fitted. 

Take a look at the message Miss Heppner left for us when we got back from lunch.

Video clip of the performance to follow.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

News reports

Over the last three weeks we have been focusing on newspaper reports in literacy. As we are now in our invention week, we are working in small groups to create a news report together. Take a look as us planning below.

I am enjoying working with my freinds. We are writing a news report about    Eid. Sumaya. 

It is really exiting and it is fun working with my freinds we all get to share our knowlege. In our news report we must remember to include a catchy headline and a reporters name. Yahya

Sunday, 12 October 2014


Year 4 Chess

Next week Year 4 will be starting Chess every Thursday afternoon. We will have around 30 lessons that will help the children to play confidently against their opponent. Lots of children also have siblings in Year 6 who have previously had Chess lessons so they will be able to practise at home as well as share tips. We are really looking forward to this exciting opportunity. Keep checking the blog for some Chess photos.